Our next UX Fika meet-up

Monday 4 November 8-9pm CEST

In this month’s UX Fika we’ll discuss the power of storytelling in the UX and product design process. What role it plays when and where, and how you can use it both to help overcome hurdles along the way but also to create a better end result that move people into action.

'Fika' is a Swedish word. It's a bit of a thing here & for us.

It means to have a break over something to eat and/ or drink. Usually it’s a cup of coffee accompanied by something sweet but it can be any drink and light bite. More than anything it’s about taking some time out with friends, family, or colleagues, and in many Swedish workplaces it’s scheduled into the day.

About UX Fika

Bite sized learning

At UX Fika, we provide classes, coaching, and custom training in UX, Product Design, storytelling, and presentation skills. Our goal is to help you develop the practical hard and soft skills you need based on the role you have, or the role you want to move into.

Have you read these?

The value of having a mentor

Looking back at my years doing what I do there is one thing that stands out more than anything in terms of what I’ve found the most valuable and rewarding. And that’s having a good mentor to learn from and bounce work with.

Read More ᄏ
Image from Storytelling in Design workshop

Need training or coaching for your team?

We do that too. From custom keynotes to scalable in person or online training courses, we can help your team level up their practical hard and soft skills related to UX and Product Design.

Why you should choose UX fika


We've been there

Whatever challenge, question or situation you're wondering about, or trying to solve, we've most likely gone through, or worked on something similar. That means we get what you talk about, what you need, and also what you should do, or not do.


We make it practical & fun

Learning should be fun and practical as well as easy to fit in so that you want to come back, and can apply what we work and talk through the very next day. That's our focus.


It's based on your needs

We tailor everything we do to your specific needs. From the format to what we cover. And we're here to answer questions and offer support before, during, and after.